Всероссийский сборник статей и публикаций портала Гениальные дети.

"Мой лучший урок"

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Язык издания: русский
Периодичность: ежедневно
Вид издания: сборник
Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Публикация: "Мой лучший урок"
Автор: Карпенко Юлия Николаевна
План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 5 классе«Mothers day»ПДО Карпенко Ю.Н.МБУ ДО ЦДТ г. ЗверевоЦель: развитие познавательного интереса к изучению английского языка.Задачи:
  • познавательные: история празднования «Дня матери» в Великобританиии\ и России;
  • воспитательные: прививать милосердие и любовь к матери;
  • учебные: развивать навыки устной речи и аудирования.
  • Наглядность:
  • выставка рисунков ко дню матери
  • презентации в Power Point
  • Оборудование: мультимедийная техникаHello, boys and girls, teachers and mothers! We are glad to see you!Let’s start our lesson!( 3мин)Teacher: Tell me please, do you guess what will be the theme of our lesson?( Morhers/Mother’s Day)Of course. Today the theme of our lesson is “Mother’s Day”. It has become a tradition to celebrate Mother’s Day on the last Sunday of November  in Russia. But do youknow when people celebrate Mother’s Day in Great Britain?Teacher: Who can tell me the main goal of our lesson? The goal of our lesson is to learn something new about the Mother’s Day in Britain. Well , to your minds, what will be our tasks?
  • To look through the information about the MD in Britain and in Russian
  • Find out the differences between MD in R and in B
  • To practices our English ( 2 мин)
  •  Warming – up.Teacher: The finest word in the world is MOTHER. Mother’s love to her children is the most sacred feeling in the world. We’ll speak about mothers today. Name as many adjectives as you can describing your mothers.Beautiful, kind, young, clever, attractive, nice, wonderful, adorable, charming, darling, cute, exciting.(3мин)Riddles.Teacher: Let’s try to guess the riddles (презентация)1.  My mother’s mother. Who is she? ( a granny )2. My mother’s sister. Who is she? ( my aunt )3. My aunt has got a sister. She isnt my aunt. Who is she? ( She is my mother )4. If Ann’s mother is Kate’s daughter, what relation is Ann to Kate? ( She is her grandmother )5. Three doctors have one sister, but this sister has no sisters of her own. Why?( Because she has three brothers ). (5мин)Teacher. Very good. Now, we are going to remember our grammar rules from the last lessons. (опрос правила)On the blackboard you can the 5 lists with the task. You should compare the things using structures as…as/not as…as/not so…as. You will do it in your workbooks.Приложение 1.Teacher: Open your workbooks. Write down the date. Today is the 19th of November. Teacher: Let’s do the task.(10)Tell me, dear friends, what is common between the pictures?(все относятся к дню мамы)Teacher. Well. Now we are going to speak about the celebration of mother’s day in Britain. Маша Mother’s Day in Britain  In many places around the world people celebrate mothers’ day .In Britain there is also a holiday which people call Mother's Day. They celebrate it on the fourth Sunday of March . It is exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday and usually falls in the second half of March or early April.Саша Mother’s Day in Britain, or Mothering Sunday, is now a day to honor mothers and other mother figures, such as grandmothers, stepmothers and mothers-in-law. Many people make a special effort to visit their mother. They take cards and gifts to her and may treat her to brunch, lunch or high tea in a cafe, restaurant or hotel. People who cannot visit their mother usually send gifts or cards to her.Ангелина A Simnel cake On Mothering Sunday many people prepare a Simnel cake to eat with their family on this day. A Simnel cake is a light fruit cake covered with a layer of marzipan and with a layer of marzipan baked into the middle of the cake. They eat cake and buy gifts of chocolate or flowers for their mothers as way to thank them for all they do. All women try to be nice and happy on this day. (7мин)Teacher: Let’s have a rest. Teacher. Now I want to give you some task. On your lists you should compare the adjectives describimg our mothers. Tell me please, what rule will help us? Let’s remember this rule. (сравнение прилагательных односложных и много сложных, презентация)Задание Приложение 2. (5мин)Now give me please your works. Thank you. ЗавершениеTeacher. Dear children, what can you tell me about the Mother’s day in Britain? Answer the questions please.
  • When do British people celebrate Mother's Day?
  • What do British people do for their mothers?
  • What do they cook on this day?
  • Really good, thank you. Today we have done a great work: we remembered the grammar rules and we learned about the Mother’s day in Great Britain. As For me, I’m glad : you worked very well today. And what about you? Do you like our lesson? Thank you for your lesson. Now our lesson is over, y